Fire Serpent (2007 TV Movie)
Former TV stars battle for non-careers..
4 November 2017
Former TV stars battle for non-careers..

As Xander aka Nicolas Brendon post BTVS tries to battle against Chakotay aka Robert Beltran (Star Trek Voyager) battles fort he title of formerly had a career on a hit TV show.

Oh wait.. they have new names for this movie? Oh OK my bad..

They are jake and Cooke respectively this time around.. though I'd bet most ppl would be far more likely to remember them for their former roles..

Hire former stars out of pity or desperate attempt to pass production off as bigger budget? Check! Made for TV? Yep Low budget? Double Check Sub par childish writing? check check & check! Hired local HS geek club for special effects? Running out of checks fast! (Limit of one check for each geek/nerd please!) Syfy managed to not make a 100% disaster unlike most they touch? Check!

Actually all things considered not bad.. and "Xander" being notoriously drunk as hell during this time period probably helped I'm guessing..

it's campy at best.. very poor/low budget everything and has a huge # of errors of course.. but scary enough it's actually watchable.. unlike so much crap esp that has been on TV as of late as I've commented elsewhere (including horrid uwe boll crap)

Trivia as well as how to cut down on expenses for the script: The "abandoned glass factory" and "local fuel source" actually are exactly that IRL... (Vopak storage for the tanks iirc)

The Glass factory (Consumer's Glass Factory, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada locations=Consumer%27s%20Glass%20Factory,%20Hamilton,%20Ontario,%20C anada&ref_=ttloc_loc_5 ) isn't abandoned however.. but it has not operated as such in many decades. I've worked there on set for several films using the same location including "Weapon" (aka Cyborg Soldier (2008)) IMDb tt1151928 , & "The Incredible Hulk" IMDb tt0800080 & many others..

Also note Filming at the Glass factory for both Hulk and "Weapon" were taking place at virtually the exact same time. We had to work around the creation of the freshly green painted walls for the "military base" section due to scheduling conflicts.

Oh also note.. While I poke fun at Nicolas and Robert as former stars.. it's only in fun and it is true they really are former stars at this point compared to their former status... and they both are still working away in the industry so applause for them on that point :)

I'm sure both are very nice guys as have the vast majority of those I've worked with. (I was not on set for this production at all) And I'm sure they would both happily laugh at themselves and this review as well unlike idiots such as uwe boll (whom I'd happily accept his idiotic challenge btw just for the fun of deflating his absurdly over inflated ego)
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