A return to form for Craig Ferguson
21 November 2017
If you know him you probably know him as one of the greatest and most hilarious late night hosts of all time. After a couple of stints hosting a few silly shows like Join or Die and Celebrity Name Game - which were somehow both pointless while also not giving him the platform to be his usual most hysterical self - Craig is finally back to doing something worthwhile.

Mind you, don't expect anything nearly as funny here as any of his Late Night antics, but this is also definitely not a silly show either. Rather, it's a beautifully shot and edited, light-hearted but also intelligent exploration of some very interesting and timely issues with people who are experts on these issues, like can ageing be stopped any time soon; how to spot and define psychopaths (hint: there's one occupying a pretty prominent position at the moment); and when we might have to leave this planet. So this gives a chance for Craig's lesser-known intellectual, sensitive self to shine, and it doesn't hurt that his wife is presenting it alongside him in what I believe is her first appearance on camera. Of course she's not quite as funny or charismatic as he is, but it does give us an occasional glimpse of what it's like to share a life with a somewhat (adorably) insane person.
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