I Am Soldier (2014)
Agree Many Unfair Reviews
13 December 2017
I agree there were many (IMHO) unfair reviews of this movie. I agree this one wasn't destined for Oscars, but it was better than many of the reviews it got here.

What I saw was a look at a couple guys trying out for the SAS. The selection process was not an in-depth look at how recruiting and training for this elite regiment is carried out, but I don't think that is the effect being sought after. Notes were given as the number of cadets was whittled down, and after the cut was made, a brief look at a single mission was given. I did think the ending left a LOT to be desired! There were holes left, questions unanswered, and a general feeling of WTF?? left in my mind, which reduces my overall number of stars. However, this was an interesting and otherwise reasonably well-done movie and I was not left with the feeling of 'there's 90 minutes of my life I'll never get back'. If you're expecting Rambo, or Full Metal Jacket, keep looking, this isn't it... but it also is no Lair of the White Worm (my go-to total turkey movie I use to compare a complete unpolished turd). It is worthy of a look, although probably not an addition to a DVD collection.
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