Takes itself too seriously.
19 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I am agnostic but even I cringed at the childish arguments made against religion in this movie. It started off ok and had subtle comedic undertones but then it takes a turn for the worst when they introduced magic and gods as characters in the movie. It suddenly became a serious courtroom drama with some of the most unintelligible characters anyone can create for a movie like this. It also makes a complete mockery of the legal system. Even in India, the courts are not this silly.

Then there is the final revelation was complete garbage. Basically, take away religion and you become the replacement for religion which is apparently just as bad or worse. What? No, that is not the only possibility yet this is the argument made to keep the institutions. The truth is religions evolve like anything else and in almost all cases, it improves and adapts to human knowledge. How many religions still run espouse virgin sacrifice to an alter? Practically none. This was replaced with animals. How many still sacrifice animals? Practically none. Now you just have to give money and most have become savvy enough to hide the fact that they want your donation by cloaking it as a "donation" or to help the needy which are almost always partial lies/truth. But you see, religion evolves and generally gets better. So a reasonable person would actually tell you to tear them down and rebuild. Eventually, humans will get it right. What is right? Coming to the realization that we dont know the real truth and thats ok. There is nothing wrong with not knowing something. Do you see 95% of humans complaining they dont understand why chemical bonds result in an exothermic reaction or that they cant figure out how energy can be converted to matter or how quantum coupling works? No, most simply move on and focus on what we do know. This is when humanity will finally be united. This movie was wrong both from an theist and atheist perspective and it simply wasnt very funny nor was the music memorable which is one fo the things I like in Indian movies...
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