Review of Easy

Easy (2016–2019)
21 December 2017
I think this show is... if anything, real. The characters are genuine and dynamic - BUT! WAIT!!! They're TOO 'normal' or 'average' or dare I say "boring".... welllllll most people are a little boring. This doesn't make them any less interesting to watch, because boring doesn't mean they don't have something to say. You need to watch it for the interactions, authentic dialogue in a variety of settings and awkward situations. Such is life.

Some have said it's "boring" or "unwatchable" and there should be more "excitement" which I don't fully understand.... What do you expect from a show that focuses on relationships and the concept that "love isn't *easy*" to involve? Paternity tests? Violent murders? Dragons? There's tons of that already. This is something new: it's looking into complex relationships in a really simple and relatable way.

Also, by complex relationships I mean: feminists becoming hookers, open marriages, the-one-that-got-away appearing on the doorstep of the apartment you share with your partner, happy couples seeking a third on Tinder, affluent neighbours coming together to become Big Brother, and lots and lots and LOTS of sex) - I mean these don't sound like boring storylines to me but hey. I like it, so I'm biased.

I think it's easy to watch and it's not afraid to broach taboo subjects, like say - 'gang-bang fantasies', and maybe some don't like to see what's behind the curtain.

For someone like me who likes slow books and films that don't have you on the edge of your seat, desperate to reach the "big fight scene" - but have you there to watch, to enjoy, to think, to question.
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