Review of Easy

Easy (2016–2019)
Interesting but unrewarding
13 January 2018
Easy is filled with excellent performers giving excellent performances, but, ultimately, each episode has the feel of a good (but not great) indie-style character study. The series centers its focus squarely on relationships of all sorts: functional, dysfunctional, romantic, platonic, lavishing attention on details major and minor in an exhaustive effort. Ultimately, it even sacrifices the telling of an engaging or even simply complete story in service to an (admittedly) engaging performance.

Taking each episode on its own, this leaves a fairly satisfying experience, but as a series, the lack of plot progress can be draining at its worst, and merely disinteresting at its best. The rotating cast of interconnected characters can function to draw the viewer in, but signifies nothing of importance to the individual story lines each indicates.

Nuanced performances abound, though, from a collection of very talented actors, giving some sense of excitement as episodes progress and the cast is revealed, but without a worthy story to drive the action (as it were) forward, even this grows stale rapidly.
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