Love this SO much and SO angry BBC America has cancelled Season 3
19 January 2018
I cannot even begin to explain just how upset I am that BBC America/Netflix has decided to cancel this unbelievably funny, witty, face-paced, intelligent, bonkers, funny, dark, twisty, crazy, show that I am here to do add my weight to #savedirkgently for what it's worth.

Full of astonishing loveable and beautifully written characters. So different from the normal, boring, straight, obvious, banal trash that seems to get renewed season after season. Edge of seat tension, laugh out loud funny, hugely high calibre of cast, based on ideas from Douglas Adams (who was always ahead of his time). I am a massive fan of DA and these books were respectful to his ideology, even if they weren't an exact replica of his books. In fact I would say they stand alone as being something quite different, refreshing and new. DA would have LOVED it! Everything IS connected.

Just utterly brilliant and when season 2 ended I was SOOO excited about the possibilities clearly set up and poised for the next season, that when I discovered BBC America had cancelled I was SO confused!

Only the weight of fans beating down the doors of BBC America might get them to re-think their utter lack of respect to their viewing public. THE BBC would never do this (and why I will always be happy to pay my BBC licence, as they are responsible for some of the best telly ever made) but clearly BBC America is just another knee jerk reactionary television maker who make short term decisions based on... What? With the way television is consumed these days you cannot base the success of a program on such a short term set of data. Some programs need time for people to find them. Not all of us can watch when we want to and that is the point of Netflix subscriptions surely? I have recommended to a load of people who are now thanking me for the recommendation, and yet now I feel bad because when Season 2 closes for them, they are going to be as frustrated and upset as I am.

HOW do television makers decide whether to make a sew season? Noone is asking for yet another LOST, where season after pointless season was made, never reaching a satisfying conclusion, and yet that was allowed to happen.

I have NO problem with a fantastic series coming to an end, with a clear drawing of a line, and a full stop - but to set up for a whole new story and then cancel? Nah - that's not on. MAKE THE DAMN SEASON 3 AND REACH AN ENDING!

Don't leave Bart in a dark room. I'll think about her forever and be sad.
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