Star Wars: Ewoks: The Curse of the Jindas (1985)
Season 1, Episode 7
----"Your power is strong with the forest creatures. Remember that"---
29 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ewoks. TV Series.

The Curse of the Jindas.

----"Your power is strong with the forest creatures. Remember that"---

One of my favorite episodes of the old Ewoks cartoon. It tells us the story of the Jindas and how they got a curse that impedes them to stay in one place for long. If they stay for too long, terrible rocks that chase them appear. After they make a favor to the Ewoks, they will try to help them get rid of the curse as a gesture of gratitude.

For starters, they will try to immobilize the rocks that haunt them, and for that the Wizard of their tribe and Teebo, will summon some animals of the wilderness around them, and before using their powers, Master Logray advises his young apprentice with some words that so remind us that we are at the same time in the STAR WARS Universe and in a story more or less independent to the ones we know, as even when the Ewoks are inextricably linked to the first Star Wars trilogy because they help Han and Leia in Episode 6, this is their own set of adventures:

-------"Your power is strong with the forest creatures. Remember that----

and we see Master Logray and Teebo asking with their magic to those forest creatures to create a net of vines around the stones to keep them from moving...

...that will buy them some time to reverse the curse!


David del Real.

Mexico City. Mexico.
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