Annoying Characters and Story
10 February 2018
Victor Crowley (2017)

** (out of 4)

Ten years after the event of the first film, survivor Andrew (Parry Shen) is on the talk show circuit talking about his ordeal. His publicist (Felissa Rose) talks him into going back into the swamp and discussing the issue there. Sure enough he agrees and before long they're battling Victor Crowley (Kane Hodder) again.

This here is the fourth film in the HATCHET series and no one knew it was coming. Director Adam Green shocked the horror community when some fans showed up to what they thought was a screening of the first movie but it turned out to be this instead. I must admit that I was really looking forward to this movie but it sadly turned out to be a major disappointment.

There are all sorts of issues with this movie but we'll start with the screenplay. The entire group of characters are just so over-the-top and obnoxious that I really couldn't wait to see them killed off. The characters were extremely annoying and one couldn't help but grow tired of them. Even worse is the fact that there's really not too much that happens. The plane carrying everyone crashes in the swamp and the majority of the movie takes place on the plane with the characters scared to leave it because of who is outside.

It seems that this film was shot with an even smaller budget than the previous three movies and perhaps this was why so much of the action (or non-action if you will) takes place on the plane. Another thing that really hampers this one is some truly awful CGI effects. Just take a look at the first murder and it looks like you're watching a movie that was produced for YouTube. Yes, the CGI effects are that embarrassing. The actual practical effects are a lot better and thankfully there is some rather gory violence thrown throughout the film but certainly not enough to save it.

VICTOR CROWLEY is a really disappointing movie that really doesn't work on any level. While you're watching it you stick with it in hopes that it finally kicks into high gear but before you know it the film is over. When looking back on the film it's even more disappointing.
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