Anachronisms galore
17 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It is difficult to enjoy a series which so blatantly ignores the realities of the Bronze Age in which the legend is set. I identified four anachronisms in the first episode alone. First, the opening scene implies Paris's mother survived a Caesarian section thousands of years before this became feasible. Second, Cassandra is shown foretelling the destruction of Troy as a child, yet legend has it that the 'gift' of prophesy that would never be believed was bestowed on her by Apollo when she refused to sleep with him. Third, riders are seen using stirrups, invented in China in the first centuries AD and first known to have been used in Europe by the Normans. And fourthly, and most ridiculously, Helen asks Paris if he has not heard the story of Diana and Actaeon. Well of course he hadn't, as Diana was a Roman goddess from hundreds of years in the future. Very disappointing.
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