-----The Spider Slayer-----
20 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
-----Spider-Man. TV Series.-----

-----The Spider Slayer.-----

Spencer Smythe is a scientist that has been hired by Norman Oscorn to produce means to attack Spider-Man. Kingpin, the boss of crime in New York and who pretends to be a ruler of crime worldwide finds that he can´t really control even his own city because of the crime-fighting activities of SPIDER-MAN. Smythe initially sends a group of flying objects to attack Spider-Man not as a definitive attack but as a test of Spider-Man´s abilities. He is preparing a robot called "The BLACK WIDOW" to attack Spider-Man, but first they are planning to expose him.

On his side, good old Pete (the guy who is Spider-Man when he is not web-slinging, web-shooting and wall-crawling) has just being hired to take the pictures at a charity ball, where he is also a guest. During the ball, his long time school nemesis, Flash Thompson, wears a Spider-Man costume to try to be an annoyance for Pete, telling him he does not like the pictures he takes. Pete, of course knows he is an impostor, but plays along.

During the ball, the Black Widow of Kingpin, Osborn and Smythe appears and attacks Spider-Man, and after a more or less long fight when half the dance floor is already destroyed and filled with debris, the Black Widow leaves with an unconscious Spider-Man to the villains´ headquarters, ready to unmask him...

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With "The Spider Slayer" we have the typical episode where good times are always short and bad times are always long for Spider-Man, his devotion for his Aunt May is always interesting same as the easiness with which the Spider-costume seems to attract trouble, something that F.T. discovered during the episode.

One of the saddest parts of the story is that first Flash Thompson and then the Spider Slayer, the Black Widow robot, appeared when things seemed to be working for Pete and Felicia Hardy, but that is not the only sad story in the episode; the story of the Smythes is always one very full of tragedy.

David del Real. 2018.
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