For If You Like Giant Mechs and Monsters...
23 March 2018
There are a lot of poor reviews on here from people expecting some high class masterpiece of emotion and intrigue it would seem. If you saw the first film or the trailer for this one and didn't expect PR: Uprising to be a big, dumb, loud battle royale then you're an idiot.

For those who DID enjoy the first film or who are fans of giant monster movies, humongous mechas, and Power Rangers in general you're probably going to find this film quite the trip.

While it does take some time to get going and makes several leaps of logic it is extremely entertaining and a highly serviceable continuation of the original, featuring some much improved Jaegers and a final battle that will absolutely blow you away.

Yes, it's stupid and fast paced, but so was the first and that was made by the great Del Toro, who's fingerprints are still very much all over this film if you look hard enough; just look at the names alone!

Just watch the film, turn off your brain and enjoy the ride. You'll thank me later...
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