Death Wish (2018)
A Throwback Action Film
1 April 2018
Do you remember when movies were made just to be movies, and not to push political agendas? Do you remember when movies where meant to be fun, and not lessons? Do you remember when action movies had a semblance of depth and were not just reliant on CGI?

I do. And so do the makers of Death Wish. Death Wish is a throwback to the good old days, the days of movies like Die Hard - just good solid action movies that took the time to build character and create interesting stories. Death WIsh is not 2 hours of people getting their head blown off (though there are heads blown off, don't worry). I was actually a bit afraid it might be, and was pleasantly surprised at how patient the film is, how it slowly builds its story to what I found to be a gripping conclusion. Death Wish is not really that inventive, but it seems inventive compared to what we've been getting from Hollywood lately. It's rare when you call something both a throwback and refreshing, but that's how I would describe Death Wish.

So in conclusion, if you are you're an average movie goer who wants nothing more than to see Avengers movies again, and again, and again, and who wants some trendy political message crammed down your throat while doing it, then you may not like Death Wish. Or if you are a paid film critic (which today means a paid social justice critic), you will also probably not like Death Wish as it has very little in the way of trendy social lessons on offer. It's just a good movie.
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