The Comedian (III) (2016)
The Comedian: Above par for what it is, below par for DeNiro
29 April 2018
The Comedian has a damn impressive cast, De Niro, Keitel and Mann. Immediatly I had high hopes, alas they weren't met but the film isn't a complete bust.

It tells the story of an ageing comedian on the road to comeback. His foul mouth and controversial style doesn't appeal to everyone and to make matters worse his considerably younger on/off girlfriend is harbouring a secret that will change everything.

Everyone is on form and there are laughs to be had but much of the film feels like a structureless art piece and simply doesn't flow.

One thing I truly liked was how much I empathised with DeNiro, how much I found myself relating to him and yet hoping that isn't what I have to look forward to in my old age.

The Comedian is more a drama with some comedic moments than a comedy, but considering its subject matter it's still head and shoulders over the likes of Funny People (2009).

The Good:

Cast are great

The more I see Leslie Mann the more I like her

Some funny moments

The Bad:

Weirdly paced

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

DeNiro has reinvented himself like no actor before him

I hope I never hit an time where I need to go for a number 3
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