Homeland: Paean to the People (2018)
Season 7, Episode 12
Homeland season 7
3 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This not for just this episode, but the whole season 7. In one word- disappointing. Ever since the show's main character, Brodie,(Damien Lewis) was killed off, a few seasons back, the show has been slowly getting less appealing, every season. This season has been about Carrie's struggle with her responsibility as a parent to her daughter, and her obsession of stopping all threats to the United States. The show, this season has lost It's balance too. Having woven into the plot, a ultra right wing character made to sound like the real life Alex Jones, complete with government conspiracies , and turning out to be a coward in the end. What is really disturbing, was a Ruby Ridge type shooting of a young boy and his dog, which is exactly what happened at the actual Ruby Ridge incident. All the characters in the siege at the house were stereotypically portrayed as ultra right wing white male militia gun nuts, and separatists. The Russian and American conspiracy to bring down President Keane, was interesting, but had a silly unbelievable ending, that made no sense.The main characters played by Clair Daines, and Mandy Patinkin, were good, but the writing and the plot line, took away from their otherwise fine performance. I think the only thing that will save this show next season, is to go back to more realistic scenarios, involving threats from middle eastern terrorists. At least that would be more believable.
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