Camp Massacre (2014)
Competitive chances with death
25 May 2018
Part of me was semi-intrigued, being someone who is no stranger to horror/comedy/thriller films and has liked quite a lot and the idea interested me somewhat despite being ridiculous and potentially distasteful. A large part of me was apprehensive though, having heard it was not good and that it looked like one of those cheap and overdone films with a muddled tone.

Which, when watching it, was what 'Camp Massacre' (aka. 'Fat Chance') essentially was. It is not just not a good film, it's an intelligence insulting waste of time. If it was trying to entertain, scare or both, 'Camp Massacre' failed abysmally on both counts, making the film a terrible chore to sit through. Am not hating or trying to be malicious, it is just my genuine stance on a film that didn't do anything for me as well as many others.

Acting, from particularly the leads, is both overplayed and stiff. In all fairness they were hindered by hammy direction, constantly awkward and limp dialogue and that the film has no interesting or likeable characters whatsoever.

Script is childish, flabby and even improvisatory-sounding. The story is not much of one and takes forever to get going, when it finally does it is not for long and it is too late to care. The opening is irrelevant and the whole concept is predictable and tedious, not to mention much more distasteful than it sounded on paper, this is likely to offend anybody overweight or trying to lose weight because things can go too far.

Unfortunately, the comedy is completely witless, childish and so overdone it gets exhausting. The more horror-like elements are a long way from tense or suspenseful, generating little interest even. The kills were not creative and would go as far to say they were too tame, while the things there to by the film's definition "spice things up" came over as gratuitous and abused.

'Camp Massacre' is a cheap looking film that even makes the scenery look tacky. Can't remember anything about the soundtrack.

Overall, terrible with only a few okay shots (too far and between) rising it above irredeemable quality. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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