Hannah Gadsby: Nanette (2018 TV Special)
Beneath the Comedy
3 July 2018
It is common knowledge by now that a major reason individuals are driven to the stand up profession is because they are desperately trying to exorcise serious pain. They learned early in their lives that they could somehow fit in - be somehow accepted - by making others laugh. While this does indeed provide some modicum of release, it still of course does not completely take away the underlying traumatic suffering that most of us possessing any amount of sensitivity, intelligence, perception and awareness endure, particularly if one has been incarnated into this earthly realm in a female body.

Hannah Gadsby represents one such incarnation. As a stand up comic, her spot on perceptions and observations cut through the bullcrap like nobody's business, and they are funny, of course, because they are true. In this appearance, however, she is not just funny, she is angry. And her anger - with its potentially debilitating hurt underneath it - propels her to, as she says, "tell my story properly."

Interspersed with her brilliant commentary on our more than sometimes pathetic excuse for humanity, she does this, she lets it rip, balls to the wall, no holds barred, in a devastatingly cathartic tirade. I have never been so moved by a stand up performance in my life, and I am forever grateful to Gadsby for having the balls to bare her tortured yet resilient and healing soul for all of us who were forever changed in the best of ways to witness it.
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