Review of Super Girl

Super Girl (2011– )
What the hell is wrong with you IMDB?
12 July 2018
First off, to the three morons who managed to drool through their reviews, complete with spelling errors galore, empty platitudes, sexism and sheer stupidity - this is NOT the Super Girl series which currently runs along side The Flash and Arrow. This is a fan fiction which, while not being absolutely ground breaking, is not bad considering it's budget and non professional filmmakers attached.

These "reviews" are perfect examples of reviews with no research, no soul and absolutely no respect for the variation of people in which society is made up of today. Gay, straight, black, white, left, right... what does it matter? It's 2018, not 1950. Shame on you IMDB. You should mod this kind of drivel so people like myself don't have to.
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