Dominion (2018)
Earthlings II
23 July 2018
I'm a vegan activist and I've finally seen it last night. Gotta say even I was shocked learning some of the horrifying facts presented in the movie. It takes a lot of courage to watch through the entire movie and I cannot even fathom what an amount of courage and strength was required for the filmmakers and cameramen to infiltrate the industry of horror to obtain the footage. You guys are HEROES!

I know that a lot of vegans and vegan activists haven't seen the Earthlings and are reluctant to see Dominion, simply because they know it all and they think there is no need to scar their minds any further. But I firmly believe that watching the movie is the LEAST we could do. If it is hard for you seeing the movie, imagine how hard it is for the animals that have to live the nightmare. Use this movie to ignite the spark inside of you and join your local activist organization or start one yourself.

Until every cage is free. Go vegan.
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