Gorgeous and Entertaining, and Worth Seeing Again!
11 August 2018
I was so excited when I first learned that Kevin Kwan's "Crazy Rich Asians" was going to become a film! The book was way more appealing than I had first imagined it would be, and I'm happy to report that Jon Chu's screen version has surpassed my hopeful-but-wary expectations. Not to make it sound too simplistic, the movie was beautiful and very, very funny. Go see it!

Yes, it is a romantic comedy - but this has such intriguing social and cultural undercurrents that it tempts even the fairly observant watcher away from taking the "Cinderella" story at its glitzy face value. While the numerous characters had to have their backstories compressed to fit into just two hours, we are given enough great dialogue, effervescent or slightly evil portrayals, and sumptuous visual clues to make the friends and family members in Singapore come alive. All the aunties, cousins and ladies-in-waiting may be slightly overwhelming for people who haven't read the book, but anyone with wacky friends and pompous relatives should get it, even if they are not Asian.

I liked film's especially clever use of graphics, as well as the smooth-to-rocking score, the lush and verdant locations, the perfect designer costuming, and pretty much everything else. One of my favorite lines was about having attended Cal State Fullerton; but you must to watch it for yourself. I honestly have not laughed out loud during a film this much in decades. Oh, and I rather liked Chris Pang, too. A totally hot actor, even though I'm old enough to be his mother.

As soon as Crazy Rich Asians officially opens, I'm going to catch it again. The preview was not enough, and there were so many little moments that deserve a second or third look. Now we must all hope that a sequel with the same talented cast and Chu in charge is coming our way before too long. Thank you all, you fabulous Asian actors, crew, writers and backers who made this possible. And no, I'm not of even a little bit Asian ancestry.
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