Review of The Package

The Package (II) (2018)
Is that what its passing for humor these days?
12 August 2018
Really? It's a mindless piece of garbage, the second I'm reviewing lately (the other one was "father of the year"). And again ... Really? Are teenage people in the US as stupid as they depicted in that film? I hope not! Are there people over 12yo, who are laughing with all those cold served dick "jokes"? I dont have anything against dick jokes and spicy jokes in general, as long as they are smart, well fitted (not that there is anything to fit on in that movie), and most of all well acted by the actors (take for a positive example the movie superbad). I swear every time i sit to watch movies like this one, another movie comes to my mind, "Idiocracy". They make me feel like I'm inside the world of idiocracy, where everything is silly made for sillly people. It's not that i want to offend people that found that piece of s...t amusing, but got to speak what is in my mind.

Imho the audience should feel that the American movie industry treats them with extreme disrespect when filming so so so so fu**d up(and not in a good way) movies. Even the American youth should feel offended when depicted like in th package (like mindless junkies). Anyway... couldn't watch the movie till the end, better skip it yourself.
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