Devil's Gate (2017)
Squandered Possibilities
24 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
There really is nothing worse than a lost opportunity at something great.

The acting talent in this movie is decent, Shawn Ashmore does a good job, Jonathan Frakes shines for the short time he is on camera and Amanda Schultz does an decent job.

The basic plot is done well, essentially a remake with a twist on the invasion of the body snatchers plot.

Some of the sequences are well shot and competently put together on screen and the creature design although a little bland works for the purpose of the movie and isnt overdone on screen.

This movie looks for a time as though it is going to subvert some expectations and here is where we start going in the other direction. It seems for a time as though it is leading you to believe the father is a bad guy, in todays cinema a pretty standard trope. Then it looks like it is all changing, you start feeling like the plot is developing to become something more than just a bog standard horror movie with typical tropes... and then it doesnt. Suddenly we are back to the father is just bad, mothers love trumps all, women all make men look incompetent, pets are killed (please stop doing that movies). Just standard movie tropes from the last 20 years.

This really felt like it could have been so much more and in the end left you feeling disappointed. If it didnt initially make you feel it was going to provide more than the bog standard for modern horrors it may have got a slightly higher rating, if it had followed through and actually broken some of the molds it could have got a far higher score but as it is, well it just doesnt cut the mustard.
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