Not what it seems to be......
25 October 2018
Black Earth Rising is an interesting idea for a drama yet as is often the case with the mainstream media, the tale doesn't fit well with the truth. The sense that the US/UK and other Western powers are, fundamentally, a benevolent force, that has a parental role in Africa, belies the imperialist/colonial truth that lies at the heart of their involvement in this part of the world.

Now, as in the past, a lot of what takes place as far as the West is concerned in Africa is about money. This includes both buying and selling. Much of the political, economic and social instability and resulting conflicts we see in Africa, including atrocities, are exacerbated by Western interference and influence.

Knowing this, I could not warm to this drama. The back story itself was moderately interesting and the acting, I felt was fine. The UK does typically manage these kinds of drama's well in terms of choice of cast.

In short if a more frank approach had been taken I would have rated this series more highly. As it stands a 6/10 will have to suffice.
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