Animal House: Enjoyable but not the cult classic I expected
25 October 2018
Controversial one in 3....2...1.

Animal House is one of those infamous household name cult classics, yet despite my movie obsession it's taken me this long to get around to it.

It's been in the IMDB's top 250 and isn't far off going in there again, but what did I think?

I think, it's very overrated. Don't get me wrong Animal House was an enjoyable film and provided me with laughs and that feel good warmth that few films deliver these days but is it THAT good? I really don't think so.

It tells that commonly used fraternity storyline where it's the party animals that don't conform vs the snooty frat house and the "Powers that be". We'd seen it before this and we've seen it plenty of time since, it's a classic concept and usually a fairly fun one.

What really helps the film is its cast, it has a host of familiar and talented faces from those you can name to those you'll just recognise as being prominent character actors for the past number of decades.

Notable names would be John Belushi, Tim Matheson, Donald Sutherland and one of my earliest "Celebrity" crushes Karen Allen. Seriously, what an outstandingly naturally beautiful girl she was!

Though not as funny as I expected Animal House does have laughs and I totally see the appeal. What I don't see however is why it was met with such critical acclaim, it's a fun movie but why is it considered THAT good?

Animal House is a harmless little comedy but hardly groundbreaking even in the 70's.

The Good:

Incredible cast

Karen Allen #drool

Feel good charm

The Bad:

Simply not THAT funny

Weirdly could have used a bit of extra time

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Knowledge is good

Real ladies use rubber gloves

Women commonly stand in front of windows in a state of undress

God delivers Playboy bunnies on demand.............now I get the appeal

Rape jokes are funny when they're about men
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