Review of Maigret

Maigret (1959–1963)
Paris in Monochrome
30 October 2018
I still remember watching Maigret on the box when it was broadcast.

I hadn't heard of the stories author Georges Simenon, but I enjoyed viewing the program with my family.

At the time I wished we had colour television to really be able to appreciate the Parisian scenes.

But even in monochrome it was really brilliant, and extremely atmospheric, drawing you into the scenes and stories.

I have no interest in cars or with motoring, but I do recall being enthralled by the sight of the Citroen cars. I just can't explain the rationale behind this, but they just looked so great that I wanted one when I could drive a car.

I've never watched any other versions, I just couldn't be asked as this version made such a big impression on me.
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