The Visitors (1993)
The French do not know how to make a bad movie
27 December 2018
Or at least I never ran into one. All the French films I have seen so far range from very good to perfect. This one is no exception.

The medieval nobleman, under the influence of the evil witch, kills the future father in law. In order to save the wedding, he must return to the past and correct the error. But one evil never goes alone, so the court wizard makes a mistake too and sends him to our time.

The clash of cultures, divided by almost a millennium, is a perfect stage for comedy, and this movie uses it quite well. Jean Reno and Christian Clavier are excellent in leading roles, and the rest of the cast do not fall far behind. Ridiculous situations follow one another without respite and the fun is guaranteed. Still, I can not say I'm thrilled. At the time the film came out I was 14 and I loved it. Now, 25 years later, I spent a pleasant hour and a half, but even nostalgia did not help me to experience it again as hilarious. French-speaking people claim that it is necessary to know the language for a full experience and that even the best subtitles cannot translate verbal comedy in a satisfactory way. Maybe it's up to that, and maybe I just aged, so my sense of humor changed, but this time I cannot rate it higher than

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