400 Days (2015)
Killing time
7 January 2019
Despite it not being particularly well received here, '400 Days' intrigued me with its idea and it looked and sounded like an ambitious film. The cast didn't sound like a bad one on paper either. Was really hoping that it would be better than indicated in the reviews, wanting to go against the grain with being so impressed by the idea, and that it would even be good somewhat instead of another waste of potential (having seen quite enough of those recently). Am not trying to be a snob or anything, it is just my genuine thoughts.

'400 Days' sadly was exactly that, a waste of potential. A shame because when it first started it actually pleasantly surprised me, even if the production values were not exactly great. Did actually consider forgiving that, because there have been instances of production values not being great but the film succeeds in most other areas. Then '400 Days' lost its way badly, becoming the complete opposite of what promise the first part showed and with so many problems already covered very well by others. Very frustrating and borderline insulting at its worst. Am actually feeling really bad about saying this.

Beginning with the good things, as said already '400 Days' started off promising. It was compelling and intriguing with an air of tense mystery about it. Parts were well shot and showed a cinematographer using techniques clearly influenced by films that were genre landmarks and ground-breaking.

Also found the cast not too shabby and thought they really tried, doing what they could with material utterly beneath them.

However, the low budget and rushed production does show in the production values. The film looks very drab, the sets are very simplistic, too much of the editing in the latter parts of the film is choppy and some of it even looks unfinished. The music didn't hinder the atmosphere and didn't sound cheap, but would have made much of an impression with more subtle, better balanced and less predictable sound editing. The direction is not incompetent but a case of someone biting off more than they could chew and running before walking.

This is not an example of a film not trying. If anything, '400 Days' tries too hard and one respects the ambition, over-ambition in this case, more than the execution. It does completely fall apart too early, the suspense and any atmosphere completely goes and replaced by sluggish pacing, no surprises and senseless character behaviours that insult the intelligence and makes endear to the character far less to the point you can't. Parts are too expostion-heavy and the dialogue throughout is ham-handed and clunky, especially in these parts which don't say anything and sound like gibberish, and the final act fails to make sense to the point of incoherence. And yes, the worst asset is the ending, abrupt and ambiguous are understatements, in fact it is a complete non-event and with a big truck-load of questions and no answers. It gave the sense that the film was released incomplete.

Overall, initially intriguing but underwhelming at the end of the day. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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