Hell Fest (2018)
Waste of a great idea
12 January 2019
The synopsis for 'Hell Fest' is one of the best I've read in a long time. "A masked serial killer turns a horror-themed amusement park into his own personal playground, terrorizing a group of friends while the rest of the patrons believe that it is all part of the show." If that doesn't sound like a fun horror movie to you then I don't know what will. Sadly though, the actual film can't live up to the expectations. The actual product is a rather dull, "seen it all before", snoozefest if I'm perfectly honest.

The entire film takes place in a horror amusement park where characters jump out at people constantly. At first this is mildly amusing, however very quickly it becomes tedious and annoying. It is simply an easy cop-out for the director to find a jump-scare every couple of minutes. None of which are in any way effective. Then there's the actual masked killer. He really didn't do a lot for me. The mask wasn't that intimidating and I didn't like any of the characters enough to care about their fate.

What could have a been a claustrophobic, clever and original horror movie turned out to be quite the opposite on all three fronts sadly. You won't find anything in 'Hell Fest' you haven't seen a thousand times before. It's not an unwatchable movie by any means. It tries its best from start to finish, but it just never really finds its niche. Look elsewhere for a better horror film.
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