Strange Historical Wonders
14 January 2019
Shakespeare once said, "There are more things on Heaven and Earth." I've always believed that, from all the things that we discover, see, and have even accomplished you can't honestly classify any of this as normal because normal doesn't exist. Because all those things we see and do around us require a certain amount of peculiarity contained within to drive a person to create or do something, as well as some inspiration, or even just nor reason at all, which is why the world is a strange yet fascinating place.

This is another one of my favorite documentary/history programs because it deals in one of my favorite kinds of history which is on Strange History and Facts. It's also another one of my childhood gems, as a kid I was into the unexplained phenomena/strange mystery genre but I never have heard about "Ripley's Believe it or Not" until I actually saw episodes of the series and it blew me away, opened my eyes even wider realizing that there truly was more to this world than we would see in our modern day existence. And on a side note this is another one of the shows that came out on my birth year so you can see how special this show is to me.

Jack Palace is a great host (I also like him as an actor), he's really is a perfect fit for this show as he's always has that interesting dry slightly gravely tone almost like that for a villain which of course was the kind of role he played a lot. But what I like about his hosting is he's sort of like our history teacher but nice, a soothing mannerism and kind of funny as Jack always has this sharp dry charisma and dry humor. He really had a lot of enthusiasm and quiet energy in the subject matter he was hosting, unlike most other documentarians or history teachers that half ass in what their teaching that obviously don't care about the subject matter.

Really love the theme song which is one of my favorite themes of all time, as it's by one of my favorite composers Harry Mancini; even love that in the theme they had a lot of the actual animated sketch pictures which were always in Ripley's old books and is something sorely miss in the current books; whether you believed in what was being displayed or not all the same those sketch pictures were just so cool to look at, I'd love to put some of those pictures on my personal art gallery.

Like how the episodes are constructed as there is some variety, which keeps things getting stale in which each episode is anything but. We would see current documentary footage, reenactments for the historical segments, though sometimes some footage from old films depending on the historical subject, and sometimes in between they would have some short facts displayed with the sketch picture, that I thought was a cool touch, making it feel like you still reading one of the books. Each episode was always a mystery as there were always something different presented. Whenever I watch an episode, I always wonder what else are we going to learn about.

There are some historical stories and worldly facts I really like, that motivated me into studding some history as well as global culture, normally I'm not a buff on those things, it usually depends on the subject matter I'm interested in, this show got me plenty interested. Though also interested in traveling to some of those countries and having adventures of my one.

Some of the stories are El Cid whom was a king for his time that died, yet his subject propped his body to lead the final battle. One other story of on the death of a prince and the bride to be so overcome with grief and heartache just suddenly dies for causes unknown, I personally think it was what's considered in the medical field Heartbreak syndrome but since medical science was never advanced in the time of that story we'll never really know. A rhapsody while a piano song is playing a group of people are being slapped in sequence, I know they we're making music but ouch. Or in Spain people dressing up in some strange ghost like outfits and play some sort of music as part of a traditions they hold. The list goes on you just must see it to believe it, that is if you want to of course.

If you're into the subject of strange history and facts, or even familiar with the "Ripley's Believe it or Not" book series this show is for you. "Truth can be stranger than fiction."

Rating: 4 stars
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