Good way to cool down during summer
21 January 2019
I watched this film during an Australian heatwave - good choice!

Definitely helped cool me down. Witnessing a Siberian winter has that effect on you. I really loved the simple, yet inspiring way of life these people had. No radio, no TV, no internet, no phone - just man and dog vs an endless wilderness. There's something quite appealing about that. It's doubtful I'll ever experience that kind of solitude, but it was great living vicariously through these tough Russian trappers!

I wouldn't recommend the film for vegans or vegetarians though, as it depicts an old traditional way of life - living off the land, hunting animals, and using the landscape to survive, make a living. It was emotional watching the old war veteran break down talking about the war too; nevermind the amazing dog who ran 150km non-stop in the snow to get home - pass me the tissues!

I loved the leisurely pace of the film. It never felt boring and was thoroughly interesting throughout. I can't help but think my own Grandfather, who was a hunter and bushman would've enjoyed seeing his Russian equivalents and their unique methods for overcoming challenges.

These people really put my own first world problems in perspective. Definitely recommend to those needing a slower pace of life, or who are stressed out or anxious. Probably my favourite Herzog film to date.
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