The Crowd (1928)
Before billionaires such as Gates, Jobs, and Bezos . . .
20 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
. . . invented computers, Corporate America had to employ Legions of Losers to add up tons and tons of numbers manually. THE CROWD documents the worthless life of one such dead-ender. "John" defines the term "office drone." He always is talking big, but even his once-duped wife punches him in his face, screaming "You bluff! You quitter! I'd rather see you dead!!" Fortunately, under the guidance of Leader Trump, Today's USA no longer needs to coddle such malingering malcontents as John. Professional working ladies now can have all the babies that they can afford, without needing to resort to turkey basters or cash-strapped Johns. Computers and robots can do anything that theses hang-dog Johns ever did, only better. Leader Trump recently has said that there's no legal need to recognize the fallacy of "Birthright Citizenship" any more. America's Corporate Class now is free to Make America Great Again by deporting ANYONE with less than a paltry half million in personal assets. For each of these broke bozos we get rid of, THE CROWD of World Millionaires will supply one or two proven foreign-born money makers worthy to enjoy our American Way.
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