Chef's Table (2015–2019)
A creative curtail
24 February 2019
This show started with a bang throughout the first two seasons, maybe even three. Since it's moved along, the once creative gem displaying the results of artistic, emotional cooking from the kitchen and restaurant has gone sour and stale. It is now a "raw" attempt at cultural exposure through a biographical narrative and lacking any exposure to the actual creative work performed in the kitchen.

We want to know the details of how you developed such complex dishes, where the ingredients are harvested, how you bring them together. Yet all we get now is a short biography and then the name of the dish. Wow! Interesting! It's called "some supposed inspirational name". I guess we should deduce that name from the lengthy bio we just watched. We can reduce the show time by 30 minutes, let's just post the menus or names of the dishes.
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