A Room with a View (2007 TV Movie)
if you haven't wasted your time with this yet.. don't. just watch the 1985 version
18 March 2019
I am generally a fan of there being more than one adaptation of classic works of literature. it can be very enjoyable watching them back to back. this one however never should have been made. the acting is hollow.. wooden.. the levity is gone. and the dramatic is misplayed. it's like everyone was reading from a script with zero understanding of the source material (and honestly, of classic literature this isn't up there in the "difficult to understand " genre,)

the ending as other reviewers have mentioned is strange and out of place.. the over all effect is just. terribad.

make no mistake. this is a made for tv movie with all of the quality that generally springs to mind.

if you have two hours to spare, watch the 1985 version. it's just so much better. it's actually full of life. this is not.
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