Almost Famous (2000)
Carpe diem!
8 April 2019
A cinematographic dithyramb of rock, epicureanism and the 70s that reminds me nonetheless a well-known fiction The Unbearable Lightness of Being (Milan Kundera, 1984): although it's nice to listen to and enjoy a rock album, I'm not sure that the lives of band members are of any interest (some will probably deduce that I'm not 'cool' enough).

In the 70s, William Miller is a young and bright music aficionado. He is only 15 years old, but what he wants most in the world is writing articles about this music he loves so much. Thus, he takes advantage of a proposition from the bi-monthly Rolling Stone to follow the rock band Stillwater, on tour throughout the United States. He will gradually and ineluctably abandon the passivity and objectivity of his role of observer to participate in the life of the group. Until ... ... ...

These secondary characters gravitate around William Miller: 1) Russell Hammond is one of the key members of Stillwater and perfectly symbolizes epicureanism and lightness. 2) Penny Lane is a carefree teenager who fills the void of her live with rock 'n roll, and she would probably have swallowed the blue pill within The Matrix (The Wachowski sisters, 1999). 3) Lester Bangs is a mentor and / or surrogate father for William. 4) Elaine Miller is a protective and moving mother. The actors play in a magisterial way, especially Billy Crudup, Frances McDormand and Philip Seymour Hoffman. In general, the whole cast is awesome!

My favorite quotes, in bulk: You have a message from your mother that freaked me out: do not use drugs. It's not too late for you to become a person of substance. Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid. Be honest and unmerciful. There is hope for you, yet. What kind of beer?
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