Victor Crowley: Another enjoyable addition to the franchise
27 April 2019
Adam Green, Parry Shen and Kane Hodder return for this 4th Hatchet outing and like the others it's bloody fun.

Andrew (Parry Shen) the sole survivor of the previous massacre is a pseudo celebrity now and has been offered a large sum of money to do an interview at the site of the murders. On arrival, you know the drill.

With a fantastic cast including horror legends Tiffany Shepis, Felissa Rose (Who is on the best form I've ever seen her) and Tyler "Michael Myers" Mane I was happy with the roster. Also notable were Laura Ortiz and Dave "Deputy Doofy" Sheridan.

Less predictable than you'd expect, mindless gory slasher content and a great script loaded with some fantastic comedy. Sure the Hatchet movies are hardly groundbreaking but they're enjoyable throwbacks and I appreciate that.

Without any spoilers I have to say based on the post credits scene my desire for a 5th movie has risen, make it happen Mr Green!

If you liked the original movies then you'll get a kick out of this, if splatterhouse type movies aren't your thing then best avoid.

The Good:

Looks great

Follows on from the previous movies well

Decent cast

Neat cameo appearance

The Bad:

One scene was needlessly grim

Ultimately it is just more of the same
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