Not quite #63 bad.
29 April 2019
"Captain America" (1990) was just added to IMDB's infamous Bottom 100 List....the one hundred worst rated major release films of all time. This is unusual, as this film did not (until now) have enough votes to make it elegible to join the ranks of awfulness. However, with the release of the latest Captain America film ("Avengers: Endgame"), apparently increased attention has been on this poor movie...hence it's inclusion. However, there is one huge problem with this....while "Captain America" is clearly a bad film, it is ridiculous to consider it's among the 100 worst ever. I wouldn't even place it in the bottom 1000....let alone 100.

The first portion of the movie is actually pretty good. You get the creation of the Captain as well as Red Skull....and up until Captain goes into suspended animation in the ice of Alaska, I thought I'd probably give the film a 4 or 5...maybe even a 6. But the final portion was just terrible. First, the Captain was saddled with a stupid sidekick who looked like an extra from the film "Valley Girl". She was weak and silly...and totally out of place. Second, the climactic final battle was terrible. If Captain America is a superhero....why was he so wimpy...not only in the final battle but all the ones leading up to it?! Third, while he tried hard, Matt Salinger was a dull Captain America...very dull. Add to this, fourth, a weak script with weak dialog. Overall, one of the worst superhero films I've seen...but nothing like truly godawful films like "Plan 9 From Outer Space" or "Robot Monster" (which, oddly, didn't even make the list).

So would I recommend this movie? Probably not...unless you are intensely curious or like seeing all of the Bottom100 films.
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