Review of Crypto

Crypto (I) (2019)
Most of your critics are too slow to have picked up on the subtleties and nuances in this movie.
13 May 2019
I just finished watching this movie, while I won't give any details of the plot Etc, the movie itself was very solid. Regardless of all the poor reviews that I've seen on here how about I disagree with 95% of them in the sense that I thought this was a very good movie. It was a little bit slow at times but it made up for it in abundance by the quality of the overall movie. If you only watch bits and pieces of it and try to write it you will never understand it what it was very in-depth in the details cryptocurrency and Bitcoin and things like that. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie and don't understand why critics is a whole very seldom ever have their finger on the pulse of what the majority of moviegoers are looking for. Movies that get the worst reviews oh, i e the marvel universe, transformers, Etc end up being billion dollar movies and or series' or more in many cases. I have taken the mindset that any time I see a movie that is show me poorly with the critics oh, that is a sign of a good movie in about 90% of my experiences. no longer will I ever look at critics reviews of a movie and decide whether or not to see that movie based on there educated or they're supposedly experienced opinions. I fail to see that in the majority of the bad reviews that I read. Thank you for taking the time to hear my opinion I'm sure a large portion of you will disagree with it but I love movies of all types and sometimes they're not as good as we want them to be but I still love movies and will continue to go to see them and to watch them in my own home as well. I hope that the current and Future fmovies does not change as drastically as TV series and programs has because I sail to connect with but a few of the current TV shows boats subscribed and unsubscribed. I do not understand the humor that is so rampant in popular right now and I don't mean that to sound like I'm an old fogey sayings you young whippersnappers don't know what you're doing type scenario but I absolutely do not like or enjoy most of what is popular on television now a days. Please Don't judge me too harshly I just have different viewpoints than most people but I'm still a consumer and I enjoy movies and television but I've been struggling with a lot of these and the route that entertainment as a whole is taking.
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