Thief (1981)
A let down - could have been so much better it had so much potential...
21 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I watched and wanted to enjoy this movie. I haven't heard of it and it was by chance I found this movie and was compelled by the good reviews.

It started out so well and then it prolonged some character development that felt disassociated and dysfunctional. This maybe for a purpose, yet it somehow doesn't feel right, it feels disjointed or ass about face in some respects.

Parts for me where too long and yet somehow, I didn't get a feel for the characters even though this amount of time was set upon them creating this backstory and understanding. Some of the actions of the main character are very annoying. You want to support him but eventually you have to accept his ego is even far greater than even he realises and his idealic world. Either that, or if you don't see this and instead you support the character you may enjoy this movie more than I did? Yet, there's massive mistakes I feel where made by the main character himself where he could have handled himself in a completely different manner if he himself didn't want to happen what eventually happens. It's as though he has a death wish and the reasoning why doesn't exactly make sense beyond that of his own admiration of his ego that's largely to blame for the troubles he is facing anyhow...

It didn't feel real, instead very hollow and lacking in depth and direction that character development. It's as though the main character wants to die or is ready to die throughout, while engaged within live quick society and die hard mentality. Yet, he has dreams of a family, long desired and thought up dreams which every ounce of him is going towards fulfilling these goals and dreams. While this seems to come from a deep psychological place he has built up for himself, yet he is prepared to throw it all away at a moments notice which doesn't feel right. It surely should be the one and only thing he would want to survive for, that's why he was engaged within the level of criminal activity he was, that's why he was engaged within the one last score so he could go off into the sunset with his wife and family?

Yet he is annoyed about how things turned out from that job that he can't do this, then he acts like a child who's throwing a tantrum because he can't get exactly what he wanted while throwing everything he has that symbolically representing himself or of any potential meaning away, because his ego has been triggered into the nothing means nothing mentality mode, which he blames others for, yet largely he has himself and his own actions to blame for being within this situation...

It doesn't make sense? Wouldn't a built in his own head been a hell of a lot easier? Could he seriously not see these events coming, or at least suspected as much?

Instead, he cares about his own ego above that of anything else.

He breaks deals and promises and just acts out irrationally and stupidly when dealing with "the boss kingpin". Everyone including him should have known the way things turned out, was exactly the way things where always going to go and that he couldn't just walk away. He didn't keep up to his agreement of one or two jobs and is pissed because the other guy didn't keep up to his agreement either?

He was a grease monkey and did all the leg work, yet he had no respect for anyone other than himself which caused many of his problems.

The way he handled situations and himself largely leaves only himself to blame and it's very annoying to watch as you want to support him as on some level you can understand his actions but then, it's as if he goes into a point of meltdown and you feel like giving him a slap for the past say 30 minuets of the film which really let it down for me and parts of the film could have put more emphasis on the actual bank jobs, planning and skills rather than more emphasis being put on these relationships, as dysfunctional as they're it's what ruins it.

As you'd have to be pretty stupid to not expect the ending to end something like this between the main character and the kingpin. It was always going to go this way and the main character didn't handle any of the situations in any sort of rational manner, beyond that of brute force and testosterone fuled the big I am and if that can't be, then I'd rather die so kill me.

That maybe all well and good for the most part, but it's the fact that he never knew when to cool it and handle himself in a manner that wasn't so one dimensional that left something to be desired and a part of me wanted to see him be blown away at the end instead of actually walking off into the distance of god only knows where...

Maybe to be killed by the cops instead? Whom, in actual fact deserved to be killed more than anyone else...

It's parts of the movie that leave a bitter taste which annoys me and I feel this could have bene so much better.
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