A house with not enough spirit
31 May 2019
Saw 'House of the Spirits' for two primary reasons, regardless of its less than great critical reception. One was for Isabel Allende's incredible book that it is based on, one of my favourites for its richness and emotional impact, did have my concerns as to knowing how difficult to adapt it would be. The other was for the cast with some immensely talented actors and actresses. Did think to myself, it is hard to go wrong with Meryl Streep, Glenn Close, Jeremy Irons, Vanessa Redgrave, Winona Ryder and Antonio Banderas.

Didn't think that 'House of the Spirits' was that bad, but it should have been so much better. It is severely underwhelming as an adaptation, with so much left out, so much simplified and with changes that don't make sense, confirming my worries of it being one of those books that should be left alone and doesn't translate well to film. It would have been much better as a mini-series of at least 6 one-hour parts. Actually also think though that one doesn't need to have read the book to be disappointed, as 'House of the Spirits' has noticeable flaws on its own terms.

There are good things here. 'House of the Spirits' looks fantastic for starters. Especially the majestic scenery and elegant interiors of the family home, all gorgeously photographed. The costumes are evocative enough and the make-up is more than convincing, with Irons especially unrecognisable as an older man. Hans Zimmer's score fits beautifully with a haunting main theme that's still in my mind. Found the last forty five minutes, with the portrayal of the revolution and the brutality it brought, or so both harrowing and moving, it is also the portion of the film where there are the most signs of a plot.

Of the cast, only Banderas passes as a Chilean in terms of how they look and speak and the accents waver from trying too hard (Irons) to not even attempting one (Ryder). Regardless of that, most do their best with what they have and do capably. Irons especially as the most, and only, properly interesting and richly drawn character gives his all and dominates the film, maybe too much to the point of hamminess in some of the earlier portions of the film where Esteban is pretty much irredeemably detestable (much of the time he is chilling). But when older and more repentent he is much more subtle, whether speaking or conveying a lot while saying little to nothing, yet manages to be authoritative and oddly affecting. On a side note he reunited with director Billie August twenty years later for 'Night Train to Lisbon', did find that a better film and preferred his performance in that despite the character being less complex, am writing this much about him because there is also much to say about Esteban and in a way he is the main character.

Streep is graceful and epitomises pathos as Clara, especially later on and although they didn't create the same magic as they did so well in 'The French Lieutenant's' Woman' her chemistry with Irons is sincerely done. Close has too little to do but is appropriately sympathetic yet stern. Banderas is dashing and Redgrave and Armin Mueller-Stahl make much of their limited screen time. Vincent Gallo is chilling in his small role and Grace Gummer (real life daughter of Streep) and Sasha Hanau are adorable without being saccharine as young Clara and Alba, Hanau especially.

Excepting the final forty five minutes or so where she is quite powerful and some nice chemistry with Irons, Ryder for me was the cast's weak link as she came over as out of place and too modern in looks and how she spoke (which tended to be too much of one-note)

Although as an adaptation 'House of the Spirits' is too short, the book doesn't translate too well as a two and a half hour film. Somehow the film, and it is the storytelling that dooms the film, feels dull with too much of a pedestrian pace and dramatically it feels anaemic and thin and uneventful in spots with any emotional power only coming out in spurts. With the abrupt jumps in time and the disjointed feel of the scenes and events following on from each other and so many plot strands and characters, 'House of the Spirits' can be very jumpy and hard to follow. Even telling who was who was confusing at first, especially for those who have read the book.

Found the character development bland to barely there, only Esteban shows signs of developing and believably. The character interaction is not always natural and could be static, particularly in the early parts, much isn't gone into anywhere near enough depth and the dialogue is trite and stilted. Particularly early on and in the heavy-handedly handled political-oriented moments. August took on an ambitious task and it proved to be too over-ambitious, he succeeds when it comes to the visuals but he fails in making the drama compelling or emotionally investable. For so much content crammed in for two and a half hours, 'House of the Spirits' did feel oddly bloated, despite so much left out and simplified, and like it tried to do too much.

Concluding, watchable film but underwhelming considering the amount of potential it had. 5/10
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