So according to this film, the battle of Hastings was won with Gladiator chess.
26 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Gladiator Games, originally known as Claang, is not only twenty minutes two long, it's one and a half seconds out of sync. So the Gladiators invented chess right, only that it was people messing about in a mudfield and it was originally called Claang, and the film is about some bandanna wearing loin cloth named TYR who wants to win the game in order to defeat his tyrant s***lord nemesis. And speaking of which, you two will be seeing stars after this film knocks you asleep with it's languid pace, poorly lit cinematography and general soap opera rubbish.

The one shining light in this incredibly boring film is the fight scenes. Those who have contributed to the overwhelmingly negative reception Gladiator Games has online harp on repeatedly about the terrible battle sequences. Well, it's not like they're good, but for me at least, they were that reassuringly Italian feeling combination of confident style and utter ass.

The shaky cam and the high shutter speed was an iconic approach to fight scenes in the 2010s and Gladiator Games in a cutesy Bruno Mattei style way mimics it with enduring accuracy. Other Matteiisms, especially latter day Mattei, identified in Gladiator Games include the ultra cliche stock music, the ambitious digital video camera work, primary colour lighting and dialogue overwrought to utter mind numbing confusion. Boy howdy, only in Roma. Also there's fantastic art direction, costume design and general impressive production value on display, but who cares right?!
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