Review of Vida

Vida (2018–2020)
Disheartening to see so many people salute this for being Latin
28 June 2019
As with anything, representation is vital. It can become an issue when value is attached solely for being ethnic, especially if peope are rating something highly.

Especially the case when the show in question drapes itself in with this facade of representing Latin life. This is hardly slice of life stuff.

Separate from all that is whether or not there is quality in the show...and there isn't much.

It lives off of absurd sex scenes, where the director takes advantage and looks to titillate rather than tell a story, or even be sexy.

And the women, as usual, are the attraction. This show takes it up a notch.

The performances reek of artifice and the stories skim the surface.

You wanna support Latinas? Watch shows where the characters aren't artificial and exploited.
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