Review of Article 15

Article 15 (2019)
Climax killed the entire plot..
5 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has loopholes larger than the potholes shown in it. It is wrong in so many levels. 1. The policemen ignored the villager's complaint since beginning gave an impact that it's all because the villagers were dalit & poor. At the end, it boils down the police was itself the criminal. That kills the entire plot because it's obvious a criminal will try to cover up. 2. Max dialogues & scenes are about casteism but none gives any speech about the major uncomfortable minor rape by mid-aged grown up adults. 3. Ayushman every now & then talks about casteism & indifference but roams the entire village in top class suits!! 4. Casteism & indifference is spoken about but nothing the undeveloped conditions of the poor after 70 years of independence! It's not the caste but the living standards which make differences but he speaks nothing about it. 5. The SC ST rebels - don't know what they do. They're not searching for the poor girl nor about the rape cases. They're just against a rally. Imagine! And they are shown heroes! 6. Unnecessary characters, zero impact, average dialogues & very bad direction. Please don't focus on casteism but development. This movie is misleading on so many levels!!
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