Generic underdog success story
8 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"A Tale of Two Kitchens" is an American documentary that is part English, part Spanish from 2019. The director of this Netflix movie is Trisha Ziff and she is a fairly experienced documentary short filmmaker and this one could perhaps turn into her biggest hit if the Oscars take up on it as they have done with other Netflix stuff in this category. We will see. Anyway, like the title says, it is the story of two kitchens. There is not too much I can say about them in particular. The first I found really uninteresting, the second has mostly the reference at its core that it also employy people who spent time in prison or were sentenced by courts previously. Which actually should not be a factor anywhere when looking for a job, but yes it really is, so good for them they do it and also good for the talented people who found work this way because they deserve it and their past did not matter anymore. Still, they turned it too much into a sob story at times for my liking. So overall, this one here is a movie that I was not too impressed watching. It also did not end up triggering my appetite as much as I hope it could, so not really a single perspective from which I was amazed watching this one. Here and there it is okay in terms of how informative it is, but the subject also only gives room for so much there. In the end, it is just about cooking. So basically, this slightly under half an hour deserves not to be seen in my opinion unless you know people working there or maybe ate yourself at one of the two places featured in here. If not, skip the watch and I also don't think it is particularly awards-worthy. It's so generic and never really takes any risks. Watch something else instead.
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