Serenity (I) (2019)
Mind blowing and Complex film that beautiful done
8 July 2019
There are not that many films that can truly capture my attention like these type of films that you have to use your brain to figure out what it actually happening. Yes, there is time this film that truly messes with your head, with some crazy moments that come from a typical Matthew film, but if you truly sit a watch this film and Analysis it by the end you should realize what is actually going on.

Ive seen a lot of reviews from the film none of them seem to get this, you probley had spoiler from people saying this film is bad with the twist because they saying that Matthew McConaughey is just playing a character in his son computer game, which actually isnt what's going on in this film.

It's the Complete Opposite, without giving to much away, the human mind is a complex thing. When we go through trauma or mental stress the mind tends to have a defence and we create a safe place in our minds that we go to shut out the world we live in.

It's this very complex story writing that has been mixed into this film, which I think alot of people don't recognize, which is why this is not a film for someone with a Low IQ because you might look at this film and think WTF is going on. But the film story does have a purpose and what your seeing is a subconscious mind in conflict with itself, it's clever and the acting in this film is Incredible.

Most of the story you're possibly getting from the trailer where Matthew plays a freshman that seriously intense at time, his ex-wife played by Anne Hathaway who turn up out of now with asking for him to kill her Abusive husband played by Jason Clarke.

Don't let this part of story fool you, you have to listen to the dialogue which reveals what is actually happen, the ending reveals more than you realize which make this film actually a well-written story, with a mind-blowing theme that will mess with your head if you not paying attention.

Dislikes: I think the Film does reveal a little too much in the 2nd act of the film, but it's not actually what going on so that might fool some audiences.
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