Not as good as I've expected.
8 September 2019
Gu Jian Qi Tan 2 (The Legend of the Ancient Sword 2) is the second film of Gu Jian Qi Tan series based on the mobile game having the same name. In the past, games are made based on the films. Nowadays, it has become opposite. Films are made based on the games as well. No matter what they are based on, some turned out to be great ones. Some are terrible. Some are good. This film is not that good.

Unlike previous TV series, Gu Jian Qi Tan (The Legend of the Ancient Sword), the plot of this one is too simple. Bad guys do bad things and good guys stop them, as usual. We've all seen that kind of things in a lot of films. That's why I've said the plot is too simple. If the plot is a bit different from what we've seen and has some twists and turns, it'd be better than this.

The special effects are better than the previous one, which was released in 2014. Of course, it's 4 years passed since that one was out. So, the way the special effects are improved isn't something to be amazed. If it didn't, that is something to be amazed. That being said, some of the special effects are not that much good. So, I could see that it was special effects, and it's not real.

Moreover, the actors and actresses' performances are not that good. I feel like they are acting in front of the camera(s) and the events are not happening in the real world. I actually feel like I'm watching a film, not watching the events happening in front of my eyes.

As for voice artists, the voice artists in this film are not good either. I've seen voice acting's director Bian Jiang's voice acting, such as Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation), Chen Qing Ling (The Untamed), even Gu Jian Qi Tan (The Legend of the Ancient Sword). Those ones are perfect unlike they are in this film. I can't believe to see that Bian Jiang's voice acting is really bad in this film. And also I didn't know the main character's voice actor is Bian Jiang until I saw it in the end credits, and I was totally amazed. Maybe because his voice is somehow different. And maybe, he's acting is bad in this one. If the voice artists' performances are good, this film will be better somehow.

To conclude this review, I've expected a lot. But because of the facts that the plot is too simple, the special effects need to be improved, the bad acting and also the voice artists need to be better, this film didn't turn out to be that good. When I watched this film, I stopped after 19 minutes passed because I had to do something and also I felt that the film was so boring. When I finished my work, I thought about continue to watch. But I didn't because at that time, I didn't want to continue to watch. After some months, just today, I continued to watch this film. So, you can all guess how much good this film. If they have done better job, I think this film might turn out to be better than now.
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