Marianne (2019)
Very pleasantly surprised.
15 September 2019
I love horror, but I also know that horror, especially Netflix horror recently can be either really good or really bad, so I went into this with very low expectations, and, honestly, I was very pleasantly surprised. The first episode immediately gripped me and made me want to see more, more of these characters, more of this story. I feel like this series honestly does a lot of things right, especially the characters. I felt like I was never watching characters, but real people. Scenes were they were angry at each-other had a very real tension to it, scenes were they were happy and having fun with each-other make you feel happy to see a group of friends being able to see the bright-side in dark situations. And even the language barrier didn't bother me, sure I don't speak french, and sure the subtitles were a bit wonky every now and then, but still, I was able to understand everything that was going on. Of course, like everything, this series has some issues, but very minor (at least to me). Overall, this was a very well crafted, short series, that I hope does well enough to warrant a second season because, honestly, I can't wait to see where they take the story, and what will happen next given the circumstances of were they left off.
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