Review of Marianne

Marianne (2019)
overrated by the newspapers
17 September 2019
Stated in the newspapers as the next big thing in the horror genre coming from France. Expectations were high due the fact that the goriest flicks came way back in time from France. Guess you all know which ones I mean. Telling that people really were scared and trailers looking promising I didn't hesitate to start this.

First episode was top notch, The creepy atmosphere was there and the score used was as classic as hell to make it as scary as it could be.

On to episode two which was something completely different. The creepy parts and even gory moments from the first one disappeared to move into the so ususal talk talk for a French movie or serie. And so I moved more and more into what becomes a rather disappointing serie. No more gore and a letdown in the gore from episode one. Okay, it's not all that bad, it do has it moments and some parts are creepy but the blah blah made it a bit hard to watch.

Gore 0,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2,5/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0/5
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