Save the best to last, heartbreaking and brutal
19 September 2019
To survive a war, you gotta become war, what you call hell he calls home. Welcome to the last Rambo film review where Rambo is forced to take on the cartel in the most brutal chapter that almost rivals Rambo 4 brutality.

After Rambo four John we see john finally come home to his family ranch, where he spends the rest of his life in peace raise his Niece Gabrielle played by Yvette Monreal, with her mum, While most review will tell you that this doesn't feel like Rambo because he hasn't moved on from the past, the film clearly shows that John is suffering from PTSD and he trying to let go of the past but it difficult for him.

Even though Rambo might look old now he still shows that he, not a man to messed with, boy does this film get Brutal especial toward the middle of the 2nd act and the 3rd act holy hell. While you might think that the set just comes out of nowhere it has no real direction, the motive is there and its come with a heartbreaking moment, here where we see john just snap into the Rambo we all know and love.

It every word he says you know death is about to be busy because the body count is about to rise. One thing this film shows is just how incredible of an act Stallone is which you only have to look all his film in his career since the 80s, show what a great director he is as well.

Action scene and Chorography of the final battle on the Ranch was just incredible to watch, but if you hate the sight of blood, you're gonna hate the third act, as it gets seriously brutal. Got say for the last Rambo film that I grow up watching for the 80s, this was a fitting ending to the series of films that give a great ending and a send-off to the iconic character John Rambo.

While ive seen most reviews using the political that it's is culturally insensitive to portray Mexico with drugs and cartel, yes im looking at you IGN, clearly you have no understanding that Mexico is basically run by the Cartel because they fear them, so it's not culturally insensitive to portray reality.

Dislikes: The only thing I found was a little pointless was Paz Vega character Carmen Delgado, it's a character that doesn't really go anywhere other than to push the story forward in key places, I think her character should have been writen better to have more involvement with Johnin some way.

Just felt like a throw-away character.
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