Not a failure Mr. Loach
20 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It is ironic that in the week that the most controversial British Prime Minister of the 20th Century villified by the left that I visited this rare Kenneth Loach film from the early 1980s shot in Sheffield, Northern England.

The subjects involved include youth unemployment, the Irish troubles and poverty all elements that are included in any sensible discussion on the legacy of Margaret Thatcher.

The film is shot in black and white which adds to the sense of gloom. The locations are from my childhood which adds a degree of sentimentality to proceedings but the subject matters are gloomy as they are meant to be and Channel 4 level social politics isn't my forte despite the Sheffield Wednesday vandalism.

A young 'Archie' from Emmerdale and that nurse off Children's Ward 'Mags' make appearances! For me a lesson in why not to follow the left wing sheep.
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