Review of Aniara

Aniara (2018)
Super unscientific? Sure, but that's not what broke it
23 October 2019
I don't consider this a spoiler - especially if you're in the reviews section, you already know this is very very loose sci-fi. You have 3 weeks Earth to Mars journey, you have artificial gravity at all times... except the exact moment when there's actual gravity and the film shows zero gravity instead. But if you're like me, you know not all sci-fi is hard, sometimes you can have a movie with engine sound in space (this one has that, even though the whole premise is that the ship has no engines running, take that, Star Wars!).

So that's all acceptable. Sci-fi doesn't need to be about physics. I did ask myself how come a ship with full power, working telescopes and radiotelescopes (we even see antennas turning to point at objects, everything works) couldn't establish communication with Earth or Mars bases. BUT! The only reason why I was even allowed time to ask myself this was because there was nothing else to take my mind off it.

You see, the movie is about being stranded in space. I'm a sci-fi fan, I enjoy books and movies that include stuff that's completely anti-science, but is used as background to a good story.

Problem is, this has no good story. Premise is good, many things are omitted that should happen, but again - should be no problem, as long as the omissions lead to showing something else.

Except nothing leads to anything. Whole movie is built around stuff that can't happen even in the movie's fictional universe (explained above), but even there, people do stuff they wouldn't actually do. There's some promise in second act, I was really enjoying those things (again - no spoilers), but nothing leads to anything.

And the ending, oh, the ending! Not only it makes no sense in a physical universe, but it simply scratches everything that happened in the 100 minutes up to that point, on every level!

This is still not a spoiler, but the ending is a sequence that is all done in post. My hypothesis: a test group gave an earlier cut of the movie bad notes because it wasn't what they hoped it would be / they didn't like the ending. So someone decided they will add an ending that should satisfy... I don't even know who. No one who is ever going to see a film like this will be happy with this ending. It's beyond ridiculous, scientifically bankrupt (think: actual magic) and it was made in CGI after the movie was filmed.


TL;DR: see it on your own responsibility. It's not hard SF, it's not psychology, it's not character development, it's nothing that you thought it would be. And it has so little nudity or sex that I think people who talk about it in reviews are actually trying to sell it to others (disclaimer: I'm European, I don't need to pretend I haven't seen a girl's breast before)
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